The Dark Green POLO Handbag
This scene took place many many years ago in a place called Taman Tun. A strapping 5 year old prepares himself for his first day in kindergarden, and somewhere in the background his 3 year old sister wails like a banshee on heat. Their mother tries in vain to shut her up, but she continous her whining and crying because she doesnt want her brother to go to school. Who's going to play with her then, who would watch cartoons with her then, who would make paper boats and paper plains for her if he went school?? Why does he have to go to school when he could stay home and keep her company? Stay home and play on the tricycle with her. And why did everyone want him to go to school and leave her alone at home?? Alone in a house full of adults, adults who didnt know how to be with a 3 year child.
Just before the school bus arrives, the boy walks up to his sister and explains why he must go to school and reassures her that he will be back soon. He tells her he must go to school, and study hard, because when he studies hard he can get a good job, and when he gets a good job, he'll buy her a handbag. She didnt need further convincing. So off to kindy he went.
Years went by and soon she too would follow him to kindy. Then to primary school, secondary school and tertiary education. The boy did study hard and get a good job..and as much as a hallmark movie as it sounds, he did buy his sister a handbag when he got his very first pay cheque. And she carried it everywhere she went and matched it with everything she wore. For years that handbag carried her most important items, it held many memories and it crossed many borders with her as she travelled internationally.
Again, years went by. One day, a button on the handbag snapped. The next natural thing to do then, she carelessly thought was to go out and get herself another bag to replace its functions. Not having the heart to throw the first handbag away, she wrapped a plastic sheet around it and stashed it away in the bottomest shelf of her cupoboard.
Last night for some reason she ventured into that bottom shelf, and memories poured as she retrieved the handbag from its little house for the past two years. If only she had cleaned her room all the hundreds of times her mom nagged her to maybe she would have found it sooner. Its still in mint condition, aside from the snapped button. And it could still hold its contents without falling out. And it is still very much in fashion.
I am that little girl who didnt need much convincing ( i was three and the prospect of something new was very alluring, nevermind that it would only get to me 16 years later). And my brother is that little boy who even then had a way with words. Neither of us remember that story, but my mom does. And she found a different kind of joy nerrating it to us when Logan took me out to buy me something when he got his first gaji. And below, is the dark green leather polo bag, that just got rediscovered and is my new favourite again.
And of course, many items followed that purchase - clothes, books, a scanner, numerous reload cards, earrings, lipstick once too if i remember correctly - and the list goes on..
So if i am a spoilt brat, it is because the allow me to be one =)
Just before the school bus arrives, the boy walks up to his sister and explains why he must go to school and reassures her that he will be back soon. He tells her he must go to school, and study hard, because when he studies hard he can get a good job, and when he gets a good job, he'll buy her a handbag. She didnt need further convincing. So off to kindy he went.
Years went by and soon she too would follow him to kindy. Then to primary school, secondary school and tertiary education. The boy did study hard and get a good job..and as much as a hallmark movie as it sounds, he did buy his sister a handbag when he got his very first pay cheque. And she carried it everywhere she went and matched it with everything she wore. For years that handbag carried her most important items, it held many memories and it crossed many borders with her as she travelled internationally.
Again, years went by. One day, a button on the handbag snapped. The next natural thing to do then, she carelessly thought was to go out and get herself another bag to replace its functions. Not having the heart to throw the first handbag away, she wrapped a plastic sheet around it and stashed it away in the bottomest shelf of her cupoboard.
Last night for some reason she ventured into that bottom shelf, and memories poured as she retrieved the handbag from its little house for the past two years. If only she had cleaned her room all the hundreds of times her mom nagged her to maybe she would have found it sooner. Its still in mint condition, aside from the snapped button. And it could still hold its contents without falling out. And it is still very much in fashion.
I am that little girl who didnt need much convincing ( i was three and the prospect of something new was very alluring, nevermind that it would only get to me 16 years later). And my brother is that little boy who even then had a way with words. Neither of us remember that story, but my mom does. And she found a different kind of joy nerrating it to us when Logan took me out to buy me something when he got his first gaji. And below, is the dark green leather polo bag, that just got rediscovered and is my new favourite again.

So if i am a spoilt brat, it is because the allow me to be one =)
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