Happy bday Su, Jael and JessTan

Have just returned from another one of those catch up dinners with the three girls that still find reason to hang around with me since high school. Some even take the risk of calling me their best friend!
Today's dinner was a little special. See, our birthdays are all within 6 weeks of each other. Two of us, even share the same birthdate. We've made a habit of celebrating it all together every year. I suppose, it started as a student-save-money tactic, but has become tradition now. And today was this years, so we dressed up and made an event out of it (as much as we could).
The dinner was good. The place had excellent service and played good music. We did the yuppie thing. Where the food portions dont really fill you up, but come with meticulous presentation that you hesitate digging into it, but cost as much as a week's petrol fill. Italian, followed by Earl Grey and dessert that took all of two minutes to wolf down. The vast difference in our choice of dining venues compared to where we used to meet up a year ago is so apparent. From mamaks and cafes to swanky jazz playing restaurants. Maybe its the upgrade in living - some say it comes with having a paycheque. Where for that brief moment we believe that our standards call for it then come home and weep for the huge hole burnt in the wallet. Or maybe its just the change of taste that comes with growing up. At one time sinking the thosai into the fish curry was ultimate, now the knife sinking into a juicy piece of lamb feels better =)
And our conversation topics have changed too. From exchanging notes about friends and college assignments and what looks good where - its now which company offers the best benefits, how much our old friends have changed and, brace yourselves, marriage!!! We're aging, it's all signs of aging.
What ever it is, the company doesnt change - was , is and I can confidently say will always be great. I can see ourselves 20 years from now having a quick to go lunch (we're all career woman who will so make it in the corporate world you see) exchanging notes on our kids teachers in their school and asking wheres the best place to get superhero action men/dolls for our kids. And 40 years from now sitting around cups of warm milk commenting on each others doctor check ups, hair dye and warts on our feet.
I'm glad they liked my presents. A phone, a watch and a pretty nifty cheese-chocolate cake respectively.
If life is a cookie, these guys would be my chocolate chips.
if life is a cookie, these guys would be my chocolate chips
Hmmmm.... does this mean that someday you will eat them? :p
hey annu, I've updated my blog. Anyhow, take care girl. It was good to see u during the weeekend.
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