Particularly church weddings. Maybe it’s the influence from watching all the romantic sappy movies on the idiot box. Or maybe it’s because there’s so much about it commercially.
But more then that, I love bits and pieces of church weddings. Like the symbolism of the father of the bride giving her away. The lighting of the candle together. And the vows, oh..the vows. Its different from just performing an action that joins two as one when you profess the vows (even though it’s the same for those who do not take the liberty of writing their own) to each other.
Last Saturday was a friends wedding up north. We were never exceptiona
lly close in uni, there were no one on one bonding sessions but we were close as a group. There were endless emails with planning for travels and accommodation and whining that the thought of just sending a gift parcel crossed all our minds at least a few times. But I’m glad we finally went..
It was one of the most beautiful wedding ceremonies I’ve had the good fortune to witness. Right from when we arrived at the church, there was just a strong feeling of closeness and love surrounding all the tasks that were going on...laughter and smiles everywhere. The church itself was gorgeous with its high ceiling and wooden paneling.
The couple arrived and the way their faces gleamed with joy made everybody present so envious of what they had. The adoration in his eyes every time he looked at her, and the way he held her hand for everything. The calculated steps of the flower girls and page boy. The carefully selected music to compliment every inch of the ceremony. The way they did the reading together and said their vows looking straight into each others eyes. Made my heart melt.
Made me realize that.. I want all that. How much the jokes of dreaming of the perfect white wedding since I hit puberty were all very much true. Part of me suddenly sad because I realized I may never have it.
But most of all, I was glad I went. I could just feel how much they wanted to be together just from watching them. I know it sounds incredibly soppy, but one doesn’t get that vibe a lot. And more then the decorations and the music and the food.. that feeling is what I remember the most.
“Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always’ - Dante Alighieri
Who's wedding? cant really see the brides face. From mmu means who la? neway u never did bother replying my email. *hurt* *hurt* :( meanie!
I can so understand what u mean.
After reading this..I miss my hubby.
He's in Dubai right now...
Dun worry, we all will make ur wedding a one to remember k?
Take care!
you will have the wedding of your dreams. god bless!
hey there, first time here.. I love Hindu seems extremely colourful and lively with sounds of the mirthangam, girls walking around with lehenga's and just seems like a great atmosphere...I haven't added those aunties who wear soo much jewellery as though they were models of madras jewellers or sumthing..:-D
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