Who is my silver lining...
And here i was thinking that just another special day would go by, me here and Aji there and another number to add on to the 'it'll make it more special when we are together on that day finally' list. Sure, i figured something pre-birthday will be done this weekend since i'll be down south. When it did happen, it totally blew me over.
I didnt help by throwing a tantrum earlier and blowing my own surprise. Its amazing how much of patience Aji had, and held on to telling what the plans were, right till the very last minute. Even then, i was still blown away.
He took me to Mirchis, where we had a table reserved in the corner just for the two of us. Sticking true to its tagline, its decor, ambience, service, food and everything embodied the many spectrums of India. I felt like an Indian princess sitting in my throne, soaking in the richness around me. The walls were lined with intricate mirror and bead work, and soft Chiffon sarees hung from the walls. The furniture were all wooden and had complex carvings lining them. At some corners, they even had settings where the guests can dine on the floor. Chimes hung from archers, and statues stood grandly at certain corners. Completing the aura was the soft fushion of the many indian classical intruments and at some points, calming carnatic singing. The food was great, I stuffed myself quite shamelessly.
We sat there opposite each other just taking the situation in. I dont quite know how to describe how i was feeling, but i know the sarcasm, cynicsm, stupid jokes or annoying part of me was gone. Aji knew i dig all these fancy dinner setups from time to time, he knows i like to be pampered and waited apon..and he did everything to make me feel so special I would just trivialise it by even trying to describe how wonderful he made me feel then, how wonderful he made me feel about him, how thankful i was he has so much faith in me.
When we were both gastronomically(sp?) satisfied with the great food, and me slightly tipsy from my first adventure with a dry Martini, we went for a walk along the esplanade and took in the view from where we dined. Now i felt like i was in a movie. You know, the one where the girl watches the guy for so long, wishing he would ask her out, then he finally does and the whole night moves along just perfect. Where the veiwers watching would think its so corny and wonder why directors run the same line at every romantic movie. I will never find scenes like that corny again. I felt like i was living one!! We walked along the river, with the lights from the magnificently lit buidlings across dimly casting shadows that followed us and the wind gently blowing in my hair. Where we hold hands and dont say anything and feel the stares of other couples watch us walk by cos we had just content spelled on out faces.
Just when i thought nothing could get better it did. I walked into the house after all that expecting to find a dark lonely house, and to break my bubble of romantic splendour and head to bed. But instead i walked into a hall with lit tealight candles spread all over and love ballads playing in the background. It took me a good two minutes to realise what was going on and when i did he sprung another surprise on me. From the room, out came Wall (the guy not the part of the house) with a chocolate cake ladened with huge strawberries and sugar stars and 24 candles. Both of them spent the next 30 minutes or so indulging me and i was touched beyond words.
I know i have a great community around me, who would do alot to make me happy. But the effort that went into that night completely overwhelemed me. Everything was planned and executed with such detail that there was nothing for me to not like. Go ahead and label me materialistic if you think i'm getting high over an expensive dinner and fancy activity. But thats not it. The adoration i saw in Aji's eyes as he sat across the table from me made me shrink in guilt for all the times i whined about him not making enough effort -- made me wish i could be as patient and as doting as he is...
... Made me wish i could be at least half of what he is for me, to him.
*** Update: I reread this post and some areas sounded really corny. It wasnt meant to be on how great the restaurant was or how beautiful the view was... but i just couldnt find the words to describe what i felt that night. This post just doesnt justify the goings on outside..and inside..

He took me to Mirchis, where we had a table reserved in the corner just for the two of us. Sticking true to its tagline, its decor, ambience, service, food and everything embodied the many spectrums of India. I felt like an Indian princess sitting in my throne, soaking in the richness around me. The walls were lined with intricate mirror and bead work, and soft Chiffon sarees hung from the walls. The furniture were all wooden and had complex carvings lining them. At some corners, they even had settings where the guests can dine on the floor. Chimes hung from archers, and statues stood grandly at certain corners. Completing the aura was the soft fushion of the many indian classical intruments and at some points, calming carnatic singing. The food was great, I stuffed myself quite shamelessly.
We sat there opposite each other just taking the situation in. I dont quite know how to describe how i was feeling, but i know the sarcasm, cynicsm, stupid jokes or annoying part of me was gone. Aji knew i dig all these fancy dinner setups from time to time, he knows i like to be pampered and waited apon..and he did everything to make me feel so special I would just trivialise it by even trying to describe how wonderful he made me feel then, how wonderful he made me feel about him, how thankful i was he has so much faith in me.

Just when i thought nothing could get better it did. I walked into the house after all that expecting to find a dark lonely house, and to break my bubble of romantic splendour and head to bed. But instead i walked into a hall with lit tealight candles spread all over and love ballads playing in the background. It took me a good two minutes to realise what was going on and when i did he sprung another surprise on me. From the room, out came Wall (the guy not the part of the house) with a chocolate cake ladened with huge strawberries and sugar stars and 24 candles. Both of them spent the next 30 minutes or so indulging me and i was touched beyond words.

... Made me wish i could be at least half of what he is for me, to him.
*** Update: I reread this post and some areas sounded really corny. It wasnt meant to be on how great the restaurant was or how beautiful the view was... but i just couldnt find the words to describe what i felt that night. This post just doesnt justify the goings on outside..and inside..
Lucky biatch ;)
O righto it's 10 Aug already...HAPPY B'DAY, annu!
(heh sorrie if I got the date wrong,I relied on friendster)
happy birthday, august 10th!
-magic (i relied on the friendster also:P)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVUE ! ! ! man u r one lucky bitch !. find me a guy just like aji please ! .... man i miss all this lovie lovie stuff... sighhh... Get married faster la...then we will have aji jr and anu jr.
What is that second picture all about? Just a random shot?
and Hapy Bday
omg.. that is so romantic :) really happy for you!!! a girl could only hope for something like that to come along
Dearie me, didn't know it was your birthday.
Happy belated then!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!! you are a VERY VERY lucky girl!!! i'm so sorry i wished you so late! stupid stupid me, ran out of credit ON your birthday!!! :P
Aji - good work man! :)
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