Monday, September 12, 2005

Different cups of tea

Aji took off for his sister's wedding in India a couple of days back. Iniitial plan was for me to go along, and make my great debut into his family. But i think it is wiser that we, or more like circumstances decided against it. Ahh well, he's there making my introduction verbally now and i suppose i will shock them with an appearance some time in the future (must make sure NOT to wear hipster and extra tight baby t).

With the discussions we've been having about the preperations leading to his sisters wedding, and from the things he's been telling me, i've realised that there were many many things that came as a complete culture shock to me. Sure i've watched them in movies and i've read them in books, but here is someone actually living it, someone willing to play the part of the characters i read or watched. The characters i felt somewhat doubtful for having to go through an arranged marriage, feeling troubled for the family for having to raise a dowry, feeling somewhat annoyed that people still subscribe to the dowry.. I always felt this way because all those practices just seemed so foreign to me. So unimaginable for a girl, in this day and time, to be willing to have her parents select the man she will spend the rest of her life with, and at 23, adopt herself into a new family and resign herself to that family because her family had given her the wedding of a lifetime and showered her and her groom with lavish gifts. You can see that from the way i'm typing this itself, that i still am adjusting to this whole concept.

And now, its more then just a character. This person will most probably be someone i call family some day. And i will watch her life, in full technocolor. The things happening may be hard for me to comprehend, but it doesnt mean that i should automatically dismiss it. I understand now, we may both come from Indian families - but the difference in culture and traditions are tremendous - and in someways, i guess i am in the wrong for believing that it is a completely doomed concept, simply because my upbringing and surroundings are different. It doesnt mean i will embrace it with open arms if i am thrust in that situation, but i wish her all the best in her marriage and what is to follow. I envy her for the wonderfully grand wedding she will have this weekend, for all the detail her parents have put into choosing the right man for her to grow old with and for the great brother she has who's willing to give an arm and a leg to make sure she has the best most memorable day in her life ;)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A marriage is not about 2 ppl anymore, guess where i come from it never was... Its about the society that one lives in and the culture that society subscribes too. And like any culture they find it hard to comprehend other cultures. My ppl look at me with disgust when i tell them i love BBQ stingRAy! When i tell them i can eat rice with 2 sticks they ask me is that the reason why your so skinny?
Deff of man: Fat, with a genorous belly and a lush thick black mustache! So im a real disspointment.
The saving grace is malu's are rational or atleast they think they should be so i can rationalize with them. The good news is that my folks are warming up to the idea of a Annu weds Aji concept but lets not open the bottles yet...... Maybe just one.

12:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

awww.... =)

10:49 AM  

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