Lookie me noohair!
Today i went from this

to this.

After four and a half hours, and a huge hole in my wallet I walked out of an impulse decision pretty pleased with myself. I know i said i was going to embrace my natural curls, and stop trying to undo them. And i know a lot of you think the curls rock, and would pay hundreds to get it done to your straight hair. I really have learnt to love my curly hair and I do think its looks quite gaya at times. But I was getting increasingly lazier to style them every morning before work, which resulted in my bunching it up most of the time. And i'm too impatient to wait for it to grow longer so I can do more with it.
Besides, if i dont try more adventurous hair styles like this now when i'm in my mid 20s, I cant possibly when I'm 40 right. Plus, I was born with the curls, and will always have them, i can embrace it with more sincerity when im 40.
Don't you just hate it when the stylists keep talking to you while doing your hair? I like to just read my book or thrashy magazines rather then answer where i work for the thousanth time. And avoid the sales pitch on hair care products the thousanth time.
My back was so sore by the time I was done at the salon I had to lean against my car and stretch a bit before getting in.
So June has been a month of indulging, I still have my mom's birthday gift, my best friends birthday gift, two more friends birthday gifts and a wedding gift to get all in the next five days before the month ends. July shall be the month of repayments.
i can't carry off the hairdo you have now. you look... awesome!
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