Thursday, September 18, 2008

You cry a little, you drink a little

and then you look out for the familiar faces to catch you when you fall..

Somebody told me today, that the only way to live life to the fullest, is to do the things you want to do and then let it unfold - to not over think it and not to force things, we can enable it, but we cannot force it.

We can enable it, but we cannot force it. I think that's just so clever.

Most times we don't do things because we fear breaking out of a comfort zone, or we fear losing someone, or we fear looking stupid. We look for an excuse not to go ahead and execute our true desires, because we fear something as stupid as what other people might think. Worse still, we convince ourselves on why we shouldn't purely based on fear. Harshly put, you want something so bad, but you're just too chicken shit to give it a shot.

I don't believe in having to live through a destiny, I believe you make your own destiny.

So what if we put ourselves out there for something we really want, and people think we're a little nuts. At least you can turn around and say 'hey, I tried'.

So here's what i'm going to do. I'm going to learn to live, love, lust and laugh with passion.

And if you respond like i'm a psycho freak, then its an adjudication of you not me, because at least i'll know i'm giving it my all.

you cry a little, you drink a little, you let them catch you, eventually you'll be true to yourself and get what you desired, otherwise you'd have still been true to yourself and you move on...


Blogger Sumi said...

Awww Annu =P

Just remember dont drunkenly cry and say I love you a bunch of times. Apparently men get scared by that, and while waiting in line to get Starbucks coffee it will come back to haunt you!


10:56 AM  
Blogger Hele said...

You should also include not waiting for things to fall on your lap! hahaha!

3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right Hele..i will send that email!

..later tonight =]

- annu

3:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What email? i wanna know too....

6:12 AM  
Blogger SMAA said...

well said, Annu.. kinda made me stop and think too

12:12 AM  

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