Friday, September 15, 2006

I just cant bring myself to feel sorry for her.

When i read the article in yesterday's paper, i couldnt get it out my mind, then another followed today, and now i'm just angry. This is why children should not have children.

Forgive my insensitivity, or that i refuse to use her background and what may have been her upbringing as an excuse, but i think what she did was just plain heartless and stupid.

How could someone give away their child to a stranger at a komuter station, upon the recommendation of her new boyfriend? So she couldnt afford to raise the child, wouldn't it make more sense to give him to his father then, who apparently is more then willing to look after the boy, then to some stranger who lives 5 hours away?!

And then make up a story that the boy was kidnapped in a mall when she went for a job interview and left him alone for 15 minutes. And she had half the state running around for a whole day looking and searching for the poor boy.

She is 15, and she has a one year old son, and has been divorced for 6 months. Simple math would tell you that she got married and pregnant (not neccesarily in that order but lets not speculate now eh) when she was 14. Never mind what was a 14 year old doing having sex and making vows to spend the rest of her life with one man, quite obviously that marriage was headed for disaster, but what was she doing having a child. A 14 year old's body is not ready to carry a baby to full term, much less are their minds ready to be a mother! 14 year olds are supposed to be in school, weaning themselves off cartoons, hanging out at malls, and only just discovering the wonders of courtship and the opposite sex.

Yes, so i've had a good life growing up, and never had to witness the hardships she did. Which brings me to her mom. From the newspaper article, simple math will again tell us that the mom herself had children when she was very young, and a failed marriage when she was very young, wouldnt that be incentive not to have your daughter go through similar fate? If my daughter came home pregnant at 14 premarriage, i'd tell her honestly, that she's too young to have it. Instead of getting her hitched to the guy who is TEN YEARS older to her (what was a 24 year old doing having sex with a 14 year old), i'd take her to the closest clinic for consultation and then, send the bugger to the police. The procedure may be expensive and burn a whole in the wallet, but a baby is a lifetime commitment. Or if my daughter came home at 14 and said she wanted to get married, i'd slap her around a little and go 'have you not learnt anythingfrom my life girl!!'

This is just sad la. If she gave the boy up for adoption when he was born, he would have found a nice family to bring him up by now. You can judge me if you think i am being insensitive to the mother's feelings - to me, she never actually once thought of whats best for her child. Only whats best for her.

Times like this, I'm more then thankful for the family i have and the things they have taught me. THEY rock!

Monday, September 11, 2006

I Rock!