Friday, October 26, 2007

Missin' the lurve

So I am back from Seoul. And it was awesome in every way, the trees turning red orange and yellow, the chilling winds blowing in my face and the super spicy food. And most of all, I spent a whole lot of quality time with Logan, doing both touristy and non touristy stuff and it reminded me even more of why people envy the relationship we share.

I miss Logan more now that I am back from this holiday then when I did before I visited him in Seoul. The water works was running in the plane, and the stewardesses gave me two packets of peanuts when I asked for one and offered me orange juice when I asked for water. Heh!

It was good to see how Logan lives there, how he has adapted to the culture and the way of life. Things that i found different and unusual seemed to be the norm to him already. Its nice also, having him dot over me again and wanting to squueze everything into the one week we had so i got the ultimate Korean experience, always making sure I had something to do somewhere to go or something to eat! I'm amazed at his energy, at times I got tired and just wanted to sit and do nothing but he was still gearing to go, or I had way to much to drinky and he was able to walk home, albeit not in a straight line but still. And I'm supposed to be the younger one. But its that spirit that is the most infectious, somehow when I am around him i'm just always happy and it feels like I can do annyyytthhiiinnngggg.

Even climb the hundreds and hundreds of stairs up Nam San without a single complain. Or walk for three hours looking for the Han River Ferry terminal. Or stand in the middle of the autumn cold in just a pair of slacks and tiny jacket and open shoes. Or ride on the gyro swing!!!!

Now I have 900 plus photos to sort through.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Annu Version 2.0

Was thinking of how much I'll probably be drinking and eating in Korea, and for a minute, a very brief minute I wondered if i should control the intake so as to not waste my efforts at the gym this past month. Needless to say that thought quickly left, and I swiftly moved on to trying to figure out how I can take in more duty free booze. Besides, I'll bring my jogging shoes and run whenever I can, do like em crazy ladies I saw in Canada running in the cold clad in nothing but shorts and a hoodie. I'm just hoping I don't completely loose the drive to exercise when I come back. I'm quite pleased with myself actually, yesterday, I got to the gym and realised I had 2 tshirts and forgot shorts (what an idiot I know), the old Annu would have smiled like a donkey used it as an excuse, gone home and lay down in front of the tv all night. But no, this new and improved Annu ran down to the Giants and got meself a new pair of gym shorts! Now is that commitment or is that commitment?! Okay its a big deal for me cause I'm a lazy piece of lard usually.

And i've been lunching on salads for the past two weeks. I feel like a rabbit. And have stopped skipping breakfast as much as I can. Dinner is a little difficult to lighten cause its at home and my mother belives a growing child needs her food, even though i've stopped growing vertically and only sideways since I was fifteen. Anyhoo, I haven't shed drastic amounts of pounds, but I do feel lighter, not so bloated like when I had rice everyday (mmm...rice..) and am able to run longer.

At dinner today I caved though, I stuffed my face with huge, huge amounts of roasted lamb and fish fillets and mushrooms. Thats what buffet spreads do to me. My stomach tells me I'm full, but then greed comes knocking and makes me eat more then my stomach can handle. Then I feel sick and curse meself. I think I was massively od-ing on protien after that meal cause I just had to sit, and take deep breaths for a good hour after. But the mint sauce was totally worth it.

I leave for Korea in 4 days and I have a gajillion things to do prior out of which i've done nada. At least i've got myself a new bag.