Tuesday, November 27, 2007

29 days and counting

For the first time in all my 26 years, this year I'm not really looking forward to Christmas. Maybe it's because I'm as broke as a fragile vase that came crashing to the ground. Is there even a vase that isn't fragile??

I've always loved Christmas, as child like as I risk sounding, it's a magical time of year for me. There's no snow, and there's no Santa, i've come to terms with that..but when its christmas, you just feel the love.

I have great Christmas memories, right from rushing to get ready for mass with my cousins, to telling my Dad about me and Aji on Xmas day, to the Xmas dinner I had in South Africa with some of the best friends a girl could look for.

Somehow this year, the spirit just seems lacking. Of all things, it perked a little when I got on to Facebook and a friends page boomed with an instrumental of Jingle Bell Rock..but just a little.

I have to stop worrying about being broke..after all, it isn't about the presents right. I have to find that spirit, and i have 29 days.