Wednesday, December 13, 2006


If some saw a knack for theaterics in the previous post, fate sure has a funny way of dealing me more drama.

With glee we left my house in my car on Friday evening for a nice long weekend down south. My parents, a friend and I. I figured if i stepped on it we should be able to reach the Republic down south by midnight. Little did we expect a sudden rumbling, which got increasingly louder just as we hit the Seremban highway.

I just had to get a flat tyre. In the middle of the highway. At night. In the rain.

Attempts at changing the flat myself proved futile as it was screwed on too tightly. Didn't help that the heavy raindrops were biting my skin and the wind from the trucks, cars, vans etc zooming by made it extremely cold. Someone finally stopped to help us (for which i was mostly freaked out after reading all those horrific gory stories in the newspapers and it didn't help that another car with three machas stopped but thankfully they left after flashing the torch around for a few seconds and didn't like rob us or cause us any bodily harm, my mom though was more freaked i saw the grip on her rosary tighten every 5 minutes longer that we were on that roadside *breath*), and the higway patrol guys came, and an hour later we were checking into a hotel to spend the night in Seremban.

12 hours, a sunrise, a brand new RM 160 tyre and a full stomach later we finally made our way to Singapore again, finally only reaching in mid afternoon of the next day.

Making up for lost time is always fun. Aji and I decided to skip the interior decorating ideas and just chill, aside from when my parents decided to come up to Aji's place instead of dropping me off and giving us both a massive adrenaline rush and minor heart attack, we were content just doing boring coupley stuff. No planning and doing more things together. Mothering the boys and putting up the christmas tree, in a record time of 30 minutes may i add. Spending way too much money for one weekend. Getting a feel of what it would be like having spoilt children with fussy eating habits. Meeting and feeling the first touch of Aji's family and wanting so badly to make the best first impression i've ever had to make on anyone. Rediscovering how much i like to cook and hate to clean. Enjoying a non-thinking movie more then a thinking movie. Accompanying my Aji on his first ever trip to Chinatown though he's been in Singapore for , oh 6 years.

Among other things.

I think this was my first weekend in Singapore in three and a half years where i didn't think of, or miss home.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My circle of love

I always thought I was sure, 100% sure that i'd never leave this place, mainly because all the people i love are around me here. I had these idealistic thoughts that it will always be this way, that family and friends will never go away, and we'll always have this great support group and social circle. That we'll all move into our careers together, buy houses together, go to each others houses for barbeques, car pool to weddings, share gifts for when babies are born, baby-sit, complain about spouses.....have retirement parties, go for arthiritis check ups get the drift.

I remember a friend telling me once, not to give up opportunities that come up even if it means leaving Malaysia simply because of people, because people don't always think about you when they take up opprtunities.

Okay that sounds cold but in many ways its true, and there is nothing wrong in them for choosing to that it up.

I drove back from work today with the post effects of a phone call i had as I was packing, with a friend who also left, to Australia to get his degree, much good getting one of those did me but since he's doing law im sure it would be a teensy bit more useful to him. We used to hang out occasionally before he left, but it was good times, times that saw us talking endlessly and laughing at each other most of the time. Good to know that he still gives me reason to laugh at with him though we haven't met in like forever.

But what if its not like that with my other friends. What if when they come back it becomes awkward. And I wonder if they have these thoughts too as they're packing to leave. If their friends will still be here when/if they come back. Then why would they gooooooooooo. If it doesn't definetly for sure 100% lead to a happy ending then I'm inclined to complain!

This whole making plans to settling down 20 hours away by plane because you've found love *cue angie's f*ck love*. This whole getting married and moving to another continent. This whole finding a job in a land where hardly anyone speaks your language. This whole wanting to go to a foreign land to learn their language. This whole working to earn in a higher currency hullabulla.

Okay so i enjoy the occasional embellishment for dramatic effect.

And yes i know that all these things are really good for all those involved and in truth i am extremely happy for them. Beyond happy that they can at least decide and act on what they want. But what if its never, ever like what we have before. Wouldn't you miss it too?

I sure do....